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1.定义 Definition
1.1 运球是控制球的队员通过将球掷、拍、在地面上滚动或反弹来控制活球的运动。
1.1 A dribble is the movement of a live ball caused by a player in control of that ball who throws, taps, rolls or bounces the ball on the floor.
1.2 一次运球开始于:一名在比赛场地上控制活球的队员将球掷、拍、滚或反弹在地面上,并在球触及另一名队员前再次触及球时。
1.2 A dribble starts when a player, having gained control of a live ball on the playing court throws, taps, rolls or bounces it on the floor and touches it again before it touches another player.
A dribble ends when the player touches the ball with both hands simultaneously or permits the ball to come to rest in one or both hands.
During a dribble the ball may be thrown into the air provided the ball touches the floor or another player before the player who threw it touches it again with his hand.
There is no limit to the number of steps a player may take when the ball is not in contact with his hand.
1.3 队员偶然地失掉球并接着在比赛场地上又重新获得控制活球,这被认为是漏接球。
1.3 A player who accidentally loses and then regains control of a live ball on the playing court is considered to be fumbling the ball.
1.4 下述情况不是运球
1.4 The following are not dribbles:
• Successive shots for a field goal.
• Fumbling the ball at the beginning or at the end of a dribble.
• Attempts to gain control of the ball by tapping it from the vicinity of other players.
• Tapping the ball from the control of another player.
• Deflecting a pass and gaining control of the ball.
• Tossing the ball from hand to hand and allowing it to come to rest in one or both hands before touching the floor, provided that no travelling violation is commit ted.
• Throwing the ball against the backboard and regaining the control of the ball.
本文标签:NBA 科比 科比布莱恩特 上一篇:NBA篮球推荐-【玉峰体育】 下一篇:巴特勒会督促队友这很适合热火-【玉峰体育】